GENE Global Education Youth Award 2024
Quality and good practice in Global Education across Europe
GENE is launching the 5th round of the Global Education Youth Award to highlight quality initiatives in the framework of the European Declaration on Global Education to 2050. This edition of the Award is the first to have a specific focus, highlighting youth-led initiatives.
The award is intended to value Global Education youth-led initiatives that enable young people to reflect critically on the world and their place in it; to open their eyes, hearts and minds to the reality of the world at local and global level; and empowers them to understand, imagine, hope and act to bring about a work of social and climate justice, peace, solidarity, equity and equality, planetary sustainability and international understanding.
Through the Award, GENE also facilitates learning from quality Global Education youth initiatives to improve policy on Global Education and youth across Europe.
In this 5th edition of the Global Education Youth Award, the focus is on youth-led initiatives. What makes you do Global Education youth-led activities in a different way? What is the story behind your youth-led initiative?
Eligible youth-led initiatives are:
🟠 Thematically focused on Global Education, as defined in the European Declaration on Global Education to 2050 (for example global-local challenges, solidarity, sustainability, human rights, global citizenship and social justice through education, for full definition see link).
🟠 Non-formal education initiatives for and by young people.
🟠 Innovative, action-oriented initiatives working towards positive change through youth leadership and youth engagement.
Applicants are encouraged to tell the story of how their initiative contributes to transformative learning and change of perceptions among their audiences and explain in what ways their approach is innovative in their contexts.
To offer recognition to ongoing or recently finalised youth-led Global Education initiatives in Europe that facilitate transformative learning.
To collect examples of innovative practice and disseminate learning from youth-led Global Education initiatives to policymakers throughout Europe.
The award is open for applications from organisations that work towards the vision and aims of Global Education as elaborated in the Dublin Declaration, specifically:
🟠 legally constituted, youth-led organisations at local, national and international level in European countries (national and local youth councils, international youth organisations working at all levels).
🟠 legally constituted youth serving organisations (CSOs, LRGs, etc.) at local, national and international level in European countries, where at least 30% of the organisation’s leadership is made up of youth representatives (18-29 years old).
The initiatives need to be ongoing or recently finalised (in 2024).
Applicants will be asked to describe their initiative by submitting a short text (max 1000 words) and a short video (2-3 min). They will be encouraged to tell their story. Why this is a youth-led Global Education activity? How does your youth-led initiative contribute to transformative learning? In what ways does this learning happen? What aspects do you consider innovative?
Please note that a successful application process involves a peer assessment of your application by another applicant, as well as, your review of another application. For more, see the Selection Process section.
In order to access the application form, click the button below.
Past Awarded Initiatives
Academic Programme "Global Citizenship Education III"
University of Klagenfurt
CHanGE – Campaign for Sexual Health and Gender Equality
The University Centre for Development Cooperation (UCOS)
Association for Historical Dialogue and Research (AHDR)
Phenomenal Agenda – Global Learning for Sense of Belonging
Peace Education Institute
21st Century Skills Labs
Institute of Education Policy
Code of Good Practice for Development Education
Introducing Global Education to the education system of journalism and political science students
HumanDoc Foundation
GENE Global Education Award 2020/2021
This publication presents GENE Global Education Award 2020/2021, focused on quality and good practice in Global Education across Europe and gives recognition to the nominated initiatives.
Past GENE Award Editions
In 2018, seven innovative initiatives were awarded €10,000 each for creating positive change through creativity, participation, direct action, synergies and innovation, with a view to ultimately inspiring public policy.
GENE Global Education
Innovation Award 2017/2018
In 2019, GENE awarded three promising ideas for Global Education initiatives that facilitate transformative learning and open peoples’ eyes and minds to the realities of the world, locally and globally.
GENE Global Education
Ideas Award 2019
This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union and the Ministries and Agencies that support GENE. Its contents are the sole responsibility of GENE and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.