GENE supports Ministries and Agencies to increase and improve Global Education at national level.


GENE Services for Ministries and Agencies

  • Support for the development of quality policies and national strategies

  • Advisory support for the development of quality funding structures and mechanisms, including co-financing

  • Support for the development of planning, monitoring and evaluation processes in GE policy and provision

  • Policy analysis focused on cross-cutting issues of quality

  • Peer review, peer learning and twinning with peers

  • Networking for improvement in particular sectors

For more information about tailored support for a ministry, agency or co-ordinating body, please contact the GENE Secretariat.

Programme of National Support 2022 - 2024

The GENE Programme of National Support is co-designed with national Ministries and Agencies in order to tailor specific activities to the national Global Education context. The programme's aim is to strengthen Global Education policy at national level by offering support to the Ministries and Agencies participating in GENE.


Programme Objectives

  • To provide the Ministries and Agencies participating in GENE with an opportunity to strengthen their structures, coordination and funding mechanisms for Global Education, and to get inspired by similar experiences from other policy contexts in Europe.

  • To provide an opportunity for Ministries and Agencies to share policy learning experiences with other countries, to gain insights and get to know what other countries participating in the Programme are currently working on. This may in turn feed into their own learning at national level.


Programme Activities

Capital visits.
A capital visit enables the identification of key global education policy-making challenges and/or provides an opportunity to enhance political support, policy dialogue, inter-ministerial coordination, stakeholder engagement or attracting public attention and building awareness.

National consultations.
Following on from a capital visit, national consultation processes are often developed. These can take the form of a partnership agreement or Memorandum of Understanding and can enhance inter-ministerial cooperation in the field of global education, including specific initiatives such as national seminars on Global Education, co-financing mechanisms, mapping, technical support and other forms of policy and strategy advice.

Inter-ministerial cooperation at national level.
Entails learning and sharing of Global Education policies. It brings together the fields of development cooperation, education, youth, amongst others. Based on the identified needs for support, GENE will contribute towards strengthening the inter-ministerial dialogue and policy learning at national level by bringing key stakeholders together.

Ongoing advice and support to national policymakers.
GENE offers specific support and advice to national policymakers in Global Education, based on expressed needs. This activity includes bilateral interactions (calls, meetings), development of tailor-made policy briefings, examples of practice in Global Education from other European countries and support in the development, monitoring and evaluation of national strategies.


This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union and the Ministries and Agencies that support GENE. Its contents are the sole responsibility of GENE and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.