Malta 🇲🇹
Global Education Profile
GENE participant since 2017.
+ Ministries and Agencies in GENE
+ Civil Society and Youth Platforms
- Skop Malta – Solidarjetà u Koperazzjoni
- Platform of Human Rights Organisations in Malta (PHROM)
- Malta ́s National Youth Council - KNŻ- Kunsill Nazzjonali Taż-Żgħażagħ
+ Global Education documents
There are no documents yet addressing Global Education specifically, however, the Directorate for Learning and Assessment programmes collaborates with researchers from the University of Malta and other local stakeholders working in Global Education, including NGOs, to understand perspectives embraced by local educators, identify training opportunities and also promote a whole school / institution approach towards the addressing of global themes.
During the coming years the Ministry for Education will consolidate this collaboration towards the compilation of a national policy that acts as guidance towards increased school-based, holistic curricular embedding of GE philosophy and further related educator training. Participation in the GENE programme is also offering Ministry for Education networking opportunities to benefit from peer learning and advice with regards to training, capacity building, research, funding and policy support. This ensures a streamlined support structure to sustain Malta’s efforts in maintaining GE as a national priority.
+ GE specific budget
€10,000 (2020 -2021) – Ministry for Education
As per memorandum of understanding between GENE and Ministry for Education signed 2019.
+ Concepts and Definitions
The National Curriculum framework published in 2012 promotes Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) as a cross-curricular theme. This entails the embedding of ESD principles across all learning areas and in all cycles of formal education. Syllabi in different subject areas embrace outcomes that are directly related to a number of global themes, including life on land, life below water, climate action, clean water and sanitation, clean energy, and health and wellbeing, social justice, peace and solidarity. In addition, active learning strategies promoted by the Directorate for Learning and Assessment programmes encourage educators to plan, develop and deliver stimulating and inclusive learning experiences that promote gender equality, reduced inequalities and peace and social justice.
Since Malta’s membership in the GENE programme, the ESD concept is being addressed from a broader perspective, embracing a more holistic Global Education philosophy. The Maltese educational system is highly committed to promote the holistic development of all students, thus nurturing each child as a mature active citizen of Malta, the European Union and the world.
+ GE in formal education
The National Curriculum Framework published in 2012 promotes Education for Sustainable Development as a across curricular theme. This theme is promoted within a broad perspective that embraces the social, economic and environmental pillars. The implementation approach is also aligned to Global Education principles promoted by the UN 17 Goals for Sustainable Development. Local schools are advised to adopt and implement ESD and GE philosophy in a cross curricular approach. In this context educators are encouraged to address ESD and GE not only though fragmented and one-off initiatives and projects but also through the systematic embedding of such themes within learning across all formal curricular areas, across all cycles.
- National Curriculum Framework for All (2012)
- Directorate for Learning and Assessment programmes – coordinating school curriculum and syllabi
A total of 11 schools and educational entities are participating in the 2nd phase of the GENE school-based project coordinated by the Directorate for Learning and Assessment Programmes in collaboration with GENE. Projects by these educational entities address one or more of the following themes:
- Global citizenship
- Multiculturalism and interculturality
- Human rights
- Peace and conflict prevention 5. Quality STEM education for global well-being
This project phase lasts till June 2022. Towards the end of the phase participants will join to share project experiences, while encouraging a larger number of schools to formalise GE within their formal and informal curricula.
+ GE in nonformal education
Green Conducts for Organisations: toolkit for youth by Malta's National Youth Council.
+ GE in initial teacher education
Institute for Education (under MoEE)
“The Institute for Education promotes high quality education for all educators and fosters learning communities of the highest standard, educational leaders at all levels and instils education with equity and social justice.”
The Institute provides initial teacher training and professional development that inject 21st century skills and competences into the educators at all levels of leadership and infuse equity and social justice within all programmes.
The Directorate for Learning and Assessment Programmes is currently delivering voluntary Educator training in Global Education. Individuals undergoing Initial Educator Training were also invited to join the training. Currently DLAP s delivering a re-run of the first module, entitled Introduction to Global Education; that originally took place in 2019. The second module, namely Education for Social Justice will take place between May and June 2021.
+ Educational resources on GE
- E4SDGs – A Children’s E-Book about the SDGs – Skop Malta
- Teacher Training for SDGs – Skop Malta
- “Ibda L-Bidla”: Training and Activities offered to Schools, Teachers and other Educators - Kopin
- Our Past Projects - Kopin
+ GE civil society actors
- OFD Malta - OFD is a youth-led non-profit organisation working in the field of inclusion and diversity to promote the values of cultural understanding, respect, communication and friendship in order to challenge social stigmas in Malta today
- The People for Change Foundation
- FSM – Foundation for Shelter and Support to Migrants
+ Overall ODA budget
31.58 mil. USD (Volume 2018)
Data: OECD (2020), Net ODA (indicator). doi: 10.1787/33346549-en (Accessed on 13 January 2020). Note on the data: In some countries, the amount allocated to the ODA budget increased between 2017 and 2018, but fluctuations in the exchange rate to USD may indicate a reduction rather than an increase.
+ Agenda 2030
- Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Voluntary National Review of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda Malta’s Sustainable Development Vision for 2050
+ Development Policy documents
- Official Development Assistance Policy and a Framework for Humanitarian Assistance 2014 - 2020
- Malta Overseas Development Aid
- Official Development Assistance Policy and a Framework for Humanitarian Assistance – Implementation Plan (2018)
+ EU Presidency Last / Next
January – June 2017 / July-December 2030
This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union and the Ministries and Agencies that support GENE. Its contents are the sole responsibility of GENE and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.