IDEA Awardee HN Global Academy
About the IDEA…
Our long-term goal is to widen the global imagination of journalists, and in so doing to promote more balanced and diverse coverage of various global issues in Slovak media, as well as mainstreaming these issues in general.
We have a long-term collaboration with the media initiative World between the Lines, which supports us with expertise in global issues and global education. This project was another brick in the wall of our much wider cooperation.
Adaptations due to the pandemic…
COVID-19 actually did not change much for us - at least not in a negative way. We were already used to working and teaching online. COVID-19 only pushed us to pilot new approaches we had not been brave enough to implement before. As a result, we were able to offer our activities to a wider audience (including journalism students among our target groups of students and professionals), as well as to invite speakers from all around the world. The idea of synergies between professionals and novices proved to be successful and effective.
Main activities…
We have organised plenty of online and face-to-face workshops, discussions and other events. We also prepared more creative media content - explanatory videos on global challenges with influencers, actors or even kids (they spoke about global tax architecture). Those videos will be also used in a MOOC online course on global challenges, which will be piloted in Spring 2022.
One of the interesting outcomes of the project, besides an increase in awareness among staff, is the involvement of students in the newsroom and its new project for youth. Many participants in this project became members of the newsroom.
Developing the IDEA further...
The project is not over, in our understanding; it is, indeed, part of lifelong learning. For the same reason, it is also a priority of the newsroom. Finances are always difficult, especially in these covid times, and we always have to look for new sources of funding to prevent our project from dying out.
Global Education Network Europe (GENE) is co-funded by the European Union and by the Ministries and Agencies that support GENE. The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of GENE and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.